synchronize nodes across servers

+1 vote

I am using multichain and trying to fit a usecase where users(contracts) are allocated some credits and each time there is a request for consumption those units get deducted.

The tutorials i have seen and json api i looked at suggest that we can transfer the units from one address to another. Is there a way I can just deduct the units?



Addr1 --- Asset 1 --- 300 credits

There is a request for consumption of 100 credits


Addr1 --- Asset 1 --- 200 credits


also can i have the addressbalance of address on server 1 from server 2?



Mudassir Syed
asked Jul 27, 2017 by Syed

1 Answer

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Best answer

You can send assets to the blockchain's burn address (accessible via getinfo) to destroy them in a final way.

If you want to see the balance of one server on another, use the importaddress command. You can also import the burn address to see how much of each asset has been destroyed.

answered Jul 28, 2017 by MultiChain
do not want to destroy asset completely