What asset is the transaction fee tied to?

+1 vote
Still a little confused on how the transaction fees are being handled.  I am currently running an active MultiChain test and transferring assets around on three nodes.  Node1 has all permissions and creates asset1.  I then pass some of asset1 from Node1 to Node2.  Now Node2 wants to pass some of that asset to Node3.  I set initial-block-reward=650 and minimum-relay-fee=15.

The problem I get is even though Node2 has assets it is unable to pass any on to Node3 because it does not have enough to pay the fee.  Are the fees not taken out of asset1?  How do I give Node2 the ability to move assets to Node3 and the fee sent to Node1?

I noticed on Node1 when you listwallettransactions in the balance it says amount: 0.00000650.  Can you elaborate on what this means.  I believe this has something to do with native currency?  Can you explain this a little better.
related to an answer for: How do you set up transaction fees?
asked Jul 12, 2016 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

The fee is only paid in the native blockchain currency, not in any of the issued assets on the chain. So if you want to have mandatory transaction fees on your network, each node needs to have some of the native currency in order to attach it as a transaction fee. You can send the native currency around in regular transactions, just like any asset, and native currency quantities are shown in balance fields of transaction descriptions.

answered Jul 12, 2016 by MultiChain
How do I manipulate native currency?