How do I manipulate native currency?

+1 vote
In order to send assets the basic command structure is "sendassettoaddress 1... asset1 100".  How do you manipulate and send native currencies?  What would be the command.  I do not see any information in your tutorials about manipulating native currency.  Can you have multiple native currencies or just one is tied to the blockchain?  Can you add/mine more native currency just like an asset?  The tutorials show a lot about manipulating assets but not much on the native currency.
related to an answer for: What asset is the transaction fee tied to?
asked Jul 12, 2016 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

In sendassettoaddress, the next parameter after the asset quantity is the amount of the native currency to send in the transaction together with the asset (to the same transaction output).

There can only be one native currency in the blockchain and it is earned by miners, based on the blockchain parameters. You can also have it earned only by the creator of the chain (and therefore the first block), after which point they sent it around as appropriate.

Yes, the tutorials don't cover the native currency because most MultiChain users have opted not to use one. But the way to use it is documented properly on the page listing all the APIs:

answered Jul 13, 2016 by MultiChain