Cannot start two out of three nodes anymore...

0 votes
Hi, I have a problem starting 2 out of three nodes.

They have been created on the same server using the same user account. I cannot start both of them.

My first node1 node - initial node can always be stopped or started after I modify multichain.conf file, but

node2 and node3 I cannot start after modifying multichain.conf file.

[nprnic@blockchain1 ~]$ multichaind nchain1 -datadir=/home/nprnic/node2 -daemon

MultiChain Core Daemon build 1.0 alpha 15 protocol 10003

Multichain server starting
[nprnic@blockchain1 ~]$ Chain nchain1 already exists, adding to list of peers

New users can connect to this node using
multichaind nchain1@

Error: An error occurred while setting up the RPC address port 8360 for listening: bind: Address already in use
Error: Unable to bind to on this computer. Bitcoin Core is probably already running.
Error: Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.

Can you please help with this, I have no idea why it is not starting anymore.
asked Feb 20, 2016 by Nenad P.

1 Answer

0 votes

You can't run multiple nodes on the same host, if they are using the same port to listen for incoming RPC connections and/or incoming peer-to-peer connections, because at the operating system level, only one process is allowed to connect to a port. You can use the port and rpcport runtime parameters to have different nodes run with different ports.

answered Feb 20, 2016 by MultiChain