how to publish multiple items using- createrawsendfrom and publishmulti ?

+1 vote
$ multichain-cli str publishmulti s1 '[{"key":'k2', "data":'12'},{"key":'k2', "data":'13'},{"key":
'k3' ,"data":'uu'}]'
{"method":"publishmulti","params":["s1","[{\"key\":k2, \"data\":12},{\"key\":k2, \"data\":13},{\"key\":k3 ,\"data\":uu}]"],"id":"44294372-1702192055","chain_name":"str"}

error code: -32601
error message:
Method not found
related to an answer for: The speed of publishing items to stream
asked Dec 10, 2023 by anju
Which version of MultiChain are you using?
MultiChain 1.0.9 Daemon (latest protocol 10012)

1 Answer

0 votes

This publishmulti API (and indeed the ability to publish multiple stream items in a single transaction) is only available from MultiChain 2.0.

answered Dec 11, 2023 by MultiChain
Can you tell me for
createrawsendfrom  ?
No, you can't publish multiple stream items in a single transaction in MultiChain 1.0.x.