Correct Sintax using publishmulti api for publishing to several streams

+1 vote
Hi MC Team!

I need to publish 1 item to 3 different streams , my chain is "vote" and my streams are: "1", "2", "3" what is the correct curl sintax for publishing these unique item to my 3 streams at the same time in just one transaction ? . I am using the Insomnia REST client and all api commands are succesful , except publish multi.

asked Jan 16, 2019 by davotrade

1 Answer

+2 votes


Please see below the publishmulti syntax.

publishmulti stream1 '[{"keys":["11111-11111","20180101","MC2"],"data":{"json":{"name":"Item1","dob":"01012019"}}},{"keys":["22222-22222","20180102","MC2"],"data":{"json":{"name":"Item2","dob":"02012019"}}}]'


answered Jan 17, 2019 by blkchain_enthu