My chain is on alpha 26. How do I upgrade to newest version? I can't find any docs on it.
I found this,
Upgrading MultiChain
- Stop any running nodes: multichain-cli [chain-name] stop (on Linux use ps -x to check for multichaind processes).
- Follow the regular installation instructions, overwriting the older executables.
- Restart any nodes required: multichaind [chain-name] -daemon
I upgraded 3 nodes to newest version following above. Seems to be running because I can get info cli mode and getinfo and listaddresses etc.
Two new issues popped up that could be related to the upgrade. Please advise.
1. No more blocks are being mined. All 3 nodes are "stuck" on same block when I do "getinfo". I see "miningpaused" : false (After more testing this seems to be the desired behavior now since blocks are mostly empty. Correct? When doing "sendasset" I now get more blocks created then it seems to stop again.)
2. The protocol is still on version 10006 when its says it should be on 10008 (looks like this isn't fixable? Found this What do we do with older chains with assets on them?)