Deduce transaction ID

+1 vote
Lets say node A (admin node) sends a transaction to a node B (a child node) - using sendwithmetadatafrom. Upon executing this transaction, the output is a txid. When listtransactions is executed on node A, this txid is listed. Now the usual course of action is to decode the transaction in order to retrieve the message sent. To do this, first getrawtransaction must be run by passing in the txid on node B. How does node B get this txid?

In a test environment where I am running both nodes, I can just look over what the txid is and use the same for systematically decoding the raw transaction. But if the second node is a distant node run separately but connected to node A, how would the person operating at the other node know which txid to use for retrieving the contents of a transaction?
asked Dec 9, 2015 by skarred14

1 Answer

+1 vote

If you call listtransactions on node B, it will also show up the transaction, because it was sent to an address belonging to that wallet. Also FYI we're adding some better APIs for listing transactions in the next version, which won't require a separate call to retrieve the transaction data.

answered Dec 9, 2015 by MultiChain