There is another possibility to do a wallet. You could develop a wallet that on initial startup asks which node the user would like to host their wallet on. From their, you could develop it as a web app using ruby/rails, python, etc and just make JSON-RPC calls to the node to interact with the wallet.
I think this is the approach I will take sense I want to control the nodes and have better security. I am making the software I am working on opensource on Github. I just started my initial testing for a new blockchain concept and just started working on a super-basic explorer. - Dedicated Node 1 - Dedicated Node 2
Githib Repo:
If you want to use the explorer, look at SessionsController and views/sessions/index.html.erb to figure out what ENV variables you need to set to connect to the blockchain.
This concept requires you to have two users on your server: I went with root to run multichaind and another user to run the webserver. Config is rbenv, ruby, node.js, rails, unicorn, nginx.