There's my scenario: I have two docker containers, one with python/flask api and the other with the multichain, just to keep things separate.
I need to destroy and recreate (it's a demo) the multichain using the api python /flask.
I can stop the multichain easily, but when I get to delete all the files in the multichain folder I suddenly realized that the multichain is in another container, the multichain container, so I can't delete files and folders from the python/flask container.
So I was just wondering if there's some magic multichain api command that let me destroy completely the folder.
Just writing this I realized also that then I need to recreate the multichain by multichain API, and also this would be impossible if everything will be destroyed ....
So maybe better destroy just the stream.
However, just out of curiosity, there's some magic multichain api command that let me destroy everything ?
Thank you.