Shell command for extra parameters

+1 vote
We use this line to insert assets manualy

 multichain-cli chainname issue 1R7axQ3xK2iEL6L19nm4F9pDC5ZgoN9qyBis1V firstasset 1000 0.01

What do I need, to add to it, to be able to insert aditional details like we do when passing JSON.

Example of what I am looking for:

multichain-cli imechaina issue 1R7axQ3xK2iEL6L19nm4F9pDC5ZgoN9qyBis1V prviasset 1000 0.01 "secTyp" : "FOR" "lastQty" : "10000000.00" "trdDt" : "2006-05-23"

Obviously this doesnt work, how do i need to format it so that it does work?
asked Mar 18, 2016 by SlobodanMargetic

1 Answer

0 votes

You need to pass the extra parameters as a single JSON object, like this:

multichain-cli imechaina issue 1R7axQ3xK2iEL6L19nm4F9pDC5ZgoN9qyBis1V prviasset 1000 0.01 '{"secTyp":"FOR","lastQty":"10000000.00","trdDt":"2006-05-23"}'

answered Mar 18, 2016 by MultiChain
error code: -1
error message:
value is type obj, expected real

an example:
multichain-cli tes issue 1X5Xgy6d6h4Zgqt9kD5mk6GwuNCAiwNptbGctm "test 12 oc" 100000000000 0.01 1 '{"TICKER":"test","SCT":"progressim","FIdI":"564"}'
We tried a command in that format and couldn't see a problem.
Thank you very much for you answer.

I tried again it has given

error code: -3
error message:
Invalid amount
Invalid amount makes more sense - that means you are trying to send an amount of the native currency even though none is probably allowed. Try using 0 instead of 1 in your command for the third numerical parameter.
Well done !! It's work