This is the request I am sending to the server:
{"method":"issue","id":"930d2b32-f91e-4186-99ce-aaff26198e4a","jsonrpc":"2.0","params":["1DJN4RMhobxxxxmmmkkkjjj12feg2Un3XiHFgW","asset5np",222.0,0.5,0,"{\"custom-field-1\":\"Hallo World!\"}"]}
I keep getting: "Invalid extra-params, expecting object"
"result" : null,
"id" : "930d2b32-f91e-4186-99ce-aaff26198e4a",
"error" : {
"code" : -8,
"message" : "Invalid extra-params, expecting object"
I know the problem is with custom field, most likely its format, since if I omit it, it works fine.
Can you help, what type of Java object is it expecting> Can you give a sample custom field value?