I started some stress tests with various multichain configurations and found out that, if I set the block size to minimum, creating new transactions on one node takes much longer.
Here are my results with default multichain configuration:
Multichain Configuration (1st attempt):
target-block-time = 15
maximum-block-size = 8388608
anyone-can-connect = false
anyone-can-send = false
anyone-can-receive = false
mining-diversity = 0.3
mine-empty-rounds = 10
skip-pow-check = false
pow-minimum-bits = 8
max-std-tx-size = 4194304
Result with default configuration (1st attempt):
200 000 Transactions 50 minutes 32 seconds.
Result with changed multichain configuration (2nd attempt):
target-block-time = 2
maximum-block-size = 1024
anyone-can-connect = true
anyone-can-send = true
anyone-can-receive = true
mining-diversity = 0.0
mine-empty-rounds = 0
skip-pow-check = true
pow-minimum-bits = 1
max-std-tx-size = 1024
Result 2nd attempt:
200 000 Transactions 24 hours 15 minutes 20 seconds
Why creating transactions with this configuration takes much longer, than with the default configuration. I thought, when I set the block size and the transaction size to minimum, the blockchain would generate transactions much faster. It is also striking, that the hardware (RAM, CPU, HDD) workload was much higher, than the first attempt.
Could you please explain that to me, or send me a link?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Best regards,