Please help me to create a POC.
Broker creates a policy. Insurer backs the policy.
Broker: Step 1: Broker creates a policy.
Insurer: Step 1: Insurer creates an offer for 25%. for some premium amt.
Broker: Step 2: Views the offer and accepts it.
Insurer: Step 2: Insurer creates another offer 75% for some premium to close out the policy.
Broker: Step 3: Views the offer and accepts it.
All the above steps should reflect in the Block.
Solution :???
will the following steps help me to acheive goal. please advise.
for 25% steps are as follows:
Insurer Step1: Issue, Preparelockunspent, Createrawtransaction, Appendrawdata , signrawtransaction, Sendrawtransaction .
Broker Step2: Decoderawtransaction, issue,Preparelockunspent, Createrawtransaction, Appendrawdata , signrawtransaction,Sendrawtransaction
for 75%:
InsurerStep2: Decoderawtransaction ,Preparelockunspent, Createrawtransaction, Appendrawdata , signrawtransaction,sendrawtransaction .
Broker Step3: Decoderawtransaction ,Preparelockunspent, Completerawexchange , Appendrawdata , Signrawtransaction , Sendrawtransaction .
Please advise.