database structure

+2 votes
Thank you sir for your answer, but my problem is that i wanna see my database structure. Because i wonna understand for example how transactions are stored? is there an input table? an output table? or just a  transaction table which contains both inputs and output as attributs?...

That's why i wanted to log values before and after storage but if there is another way to see my database structure please help me. I don't intend to modify the multichain source code, i just wanna see my database structure.

Thank you
related to an answer for: Print CLevelDBBatch.
asked May 7, 2018 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
Everything about the node's state is stored inside LevelDB (an embedded database) and/or binary data files. All transactions are stored in the blocks on disk in their full format. In addition those transactions which are of particular relevance for the node are stored in its "wallet" which is a LevelDB database (large pieces of metadata are not stored twice, and the in-wallet transactions point to the data on disk). There's also a cache of transactions with unspent outputs to make it easy to build new transactions for sending.
answered May 9, 2018 by MultiChain