Several questions about Multichain.

+1 vote
I've several questions.


As far as I know, Multichain supports public and private blockchains.
What do you think are the main features that distinguish a public blockchain and a private blockchain on Multichain platform?


Is mining done on private blockchains?

What is the mining method at this time? PoW or Round Robin?

Is a transaction confirmation done through mining on private block chains?


Thank you Multichain in advance.
asked Feb 26, 2018 by enics

1 Answer

0 votes

A chain can be public or private in many ways – completely private where only certain parties can connect, or only private in that sense that certain parties are responsible for administration and "mining" (i.e. building blocks). There are anyone-can-* parameters to control all this:

If "mining" is based on permissions then it does not requiring "mining" in the sense of proof-of-work - instead, simple signatures are used with a round-robin consensus scheme. If mining is open to all parties then proof-of-work is used.

answered Feb 26, 2018 by MultiChain