Can read multiple keys of a stream?

+1 vote


 Is there a possible that can read multiple keys of a stream like listassets   


asked Jan 30, 2018 by shivap17

1 Answer

+1 vote

The liststreamkeys command can take multiple keys as an array parameter. However this is not possible for liststreamkeyitems because that would break the model for interpreting the start and count parameters.

answered Jan 30, 2018 by MultiChain
Hi Team,

It would be better if we have an option to pass an array to liststreamkeyitems similar to liststreamkeys and it would return the last item of each key. In that case the model will not break for the count and start parameters.

This option of passing an array to liststreamkeyitems would be really helpful in many cases as we have the make multiple API calls to retrieve multiple key items which causes more latency.

I understand, but if latency is a concern you can send multiple JSON-API requests in parallel, or as a single HTTP session.