Asset Holders

+1 vote
In summary, when transferring assets between 2 addresses (e.g. A and B), MultiChain Explorer only shows the original asset owner A.

First I issued an asset X with quantity of 1 to address A. Then did a sendassetfrom of 1 asset X from address A to address B. I've checked listassettransactions for X and they reflect correctly the transactions.

Question is why is Explorer showing the asset owner as A and not B? Appreciate your clarification. Thanks!
asked Jan 11, 2018 by Kit

1 Answer

0 votes

Are you certain that your MultiChain Explorer is keeping up with new activity in the blockchain? You can check the block count on the Explorer home page. If you're running the Explorer with the --no-load option it also does not update from the blockchain's state.

answered Jan 11, 2018 by MultiChain
The block count on the Explorer home page shows 9207 and the asset's transaction last block number is 9197. Is this keeping up? I'm using MultiChain 1.0 alpha 28.

Just to rule out Explorer issues, which API can I call to get the owner/asset holder information?
Just to update, I executed getaddressbalances for address A and B and the balances show correctly, that is, A doesn't hold any asset and B holds the asset.
OK, so it does sound like an Explorer issue. As a first step I'd recommend upgrading to MultiChain 1.0.2 since 1.0 alpha 28 is now very old. Then rebuild the Explorer data.
OK I've upgraded to MultiChain 1.0.2 but how do I rebuild the Explorer data? Thanks.
Please see the 'Reset the Explorer' section here: