error parsing JSON

+2 votes
I installed multichain-2.0 but I receive the  same error:

root@luis-vm:# multichain-cli chain1 issue 1U8RTVq9F8qWZdJApenwwBoK9661GeKAsKw34g try "Hello word"

error: Error parsing JSON: Hello word

Sorry if the qeustion is trivial, but I'm at the beginning.

The format of the command I use is wrong? Which one should  I use?

related to an answer for: string transfer
asked Jan 5, 2018 by anonymous

1 Answer

+1 vote

If you are trying to issue an issue, the following is the command.. 

issue 1U8RTVq9F8qWZdJApenwwBoK9661GeKAsKw34g asset1 1000 0.01

and, suggest you to go through the following link for more details..

answered Jan 7, 2018 by saravana
thanks to answer @savana
I'm just looking for the command to try to transfer a string like "hello world" instead of numbers. what command should I use?
IF you say "transfer" then it is the "asset" transfer between two addresses in multichain. If you want to say "hello"  or "hello world" then you will have to consider stream functions..

Please go through commands like create stream, publish etc
I did this:
from node1:
multichain-cli chain1 create stream test false
multichain-cli chain1 publish test "hello word" 68656C6C6F

from node2:
multichain-cli chain1 subscribe test
multichain-cli chain1 liststreamitems test

and I can see "hello world" in the box "keys"

Is it right?

I have another questions:
why do I have to use the hexadecimal?
I used just a simple hello=68656C6C6F

thanks for the reply
In MultiChain 1.0 all stream data is represented in the APIs and hexadecimal, and there is no notion of typing at the level of blockchain.

In MultiChain 2.0 (alpha) there is support for explicit text and JSON stream items. So instead of 68656C6C6F you could use {"text":"hello"}

On the command line for Linux you need to write this as:


And on the command line for Windows, it's:
