Regarding minimum tx fee

+1 vote
In the case that the size of tx is less than 1000(1k), tx fee is smaller than minimum fee (minimum-relay-fee).

Plz check and compare it with CWallet::GetMinimumFee() function of recent Bitcoin src.

And, I think that maximum fee must be set to reasonable amount, ex 0.1.


Thank you, Multichain.
asked Nov 8, 2017 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
Just so we understand, is this a feature request to allow a hard minimum and maximum fee to be set?
answered Nov 9, 2017 by MultiChain
If the size of a transaction is less than 1000 bytes, it is less than the minimum fee. If the formula for calculating the fee is tx_size / 1000, if the numerator tx_size is less than 1000, the ratio is less than 1, and so the actual fee will be less than the minimum fee. This seems to be different from the initial minimum fee concept.

For example, if you set the minimum-relay-fee to 10000 in param.dat and the transaction size is 500, it would be 10000 * 500/1000 = 5000. In this case, I expect the minimum fee to be 10000.

Thank you in advance.
I understand it's not what you expect, but this is not minimum as in the "smallest possible fee", but minimum as in "what determines the minimum fee required for a transaction to be relayed". We now document this accurately on the blockchain parameters page: