What consensus framework is used for permissioned multichain

+2 votes
Thanks for your insights.

please let  me know about the same for the permissioned blockchain:-

a) On a particular node, If I create new addresses and assign them permissions to mine, in that case, what is the consensus framework the miners use to validate the block?

b) If on a particular node, if I do not assign any addresses to mine, then how does the block gets validated and approved on the block?

c)How is the technical validation done on the permissioned blockchain?
asked Oct 30, 2017 by Freebird

1 Answer

+1 vote
For information on the MultiChain consensus algorithm, please read the 'Mining in MultiChain' section beginning on page 7 of the White Paper:


Not every node needs to be a miner – it can still create transactions which are propagated through the network and validated by other miners.
answered Oct 30, 2017 by MultiChain