I am not able to connect to MultiChain Web Demo
My set up is as follows:-
a) On Docker-
1. Pulled Ubuntu
2. Logged into Ubuntu
3. Installed Apache2.:- sudo apt-get install apache2
4. Created Node 1 and started Node 1 with these details.
MultiChain server starting
Looking for genesis block...
Genesis block found
New users can connect to this node using
multichaind chain1@
Node started
root@4308f3e0bb34:/tmp/multichain-1.0-alpha-21# cat ~/.multichain/chain1/multichain.conf
root@4308f3e0bb34:/tmp/multichain-1.0-alpha-21# grep rpc-port ~/.multichain/chain1/params.dat
default-rpc-port = 2748 # Default TCP/IP port for incoming JSON-RPC API requests.
5. Downloaded web demo code as
6.where should I place this code exactly? when you say , inside your web server, what does it mean?
since, my web server apache2 is inside the same Ubuntu as shown above.
where should I place it?
7. I believe , then I need to update the properties of the config.xml as :- with the values of the node
default.name=Default # name to display in the web interface
default.rpchost= # IP address of MultiChain node
default.rpcport=12345 # see rpc-port from chain parameters
default.rpcuser=multichainrpc # username for RPC from multichain.conf
default.rpcpassword=mnBh8aHp4mun... # password for RPC from multichain.conf
8. Also, once the files are present on the apache web server, how do I launch it the UI, wahats the command for that
Thanks and Regards,