send asset cross between 2 different multichain ?

+1 vote
Hi, I am trying to send asset between 2 different multichain blockchain, is there any way around to achieve such thing? and if possible how ? thank you
asked Oct 8, 2017 by veyhong

1 Answer

0 votes
No, each asset lives on a single specific blockchain, and assets cannot be transferred between them without going through a trusted intermediary. This is a general characteristic of blockchains and not specific to MultiChain.
answered Oct 9, 2017 by MultiChain
I read some document about ColoredCoin SDK, that they connect their chain with bitcoin chain. it look like inter-chain transfer. Do you know any idea how it work ?
Colored Coins are assets issued *on* the bitcoin blockchain, just like assets can be issued on MultiChain. It's not a separate chain.
Oh, yeah I see, I was confusing. Thank you