I am new to multichain, now I have downloaded and want to set up multi-chain demo on my Windows 10 PC, I want to use the same machine for testing first. I downloaded the version 2.3.1 for Windows, I run the following command:
D:\multichain-windows-2.3.1>multichaind chain1 -daemon
MultiChain 2.3.1 Daemon (Community Edition, latest protocol 20013)
Looking for genesis block...
Genesis block found
Other nodes can connect to this node using:
multichaind chain1@
This host has multiple IP addresses, so from some networks:
multichaind chain1@
Listening for API requests on port 4800 (local only - see rpcallowip setting)
Node ready.
Now, I try to connect from the same machine.
I know I should use datadir to launch multichaind in the same PC, but there is an imporant issue which I have to know is what is the address for grant connect command.
Someone said I have to ask Adress admin, but I am the only person to use this multi-chain nodes, I can not ask anyone else.
I want to know how to get the address for grant connect command.
Or can I run multi-chain CLI to generate one address?