Multichain for Land Registry Office

+1 vote
Hello, I'm new to blockchain and multichain. I'm working with a Land Registry office to implement block chain to store land title information.

Each title represent a piece of land and maybe have few owners before this. And we dont want any token or mining. Probably there will be a few nodes.

I need some guidance how do I setup the chain ? Does 1 title represent 1 assets ? Or just create a stream for each title, and each steam have the detail of the owner ?
asked Aug 29, 2017 by AmK

1 Answer

+1 vote

Unless you're planning for end users to have direct control over their land titles using their own wallet and private key, I don't think there is a reason to use on-chain assets for this. Instead, use one or more streams, and have the 'key' for each stream item be some kind of identifier of the piece of land. Then you can retrieve the history for any piece of land using liststreamkeyitems.

answered Aug 30, 2017 by MultiChain
Want I understand so far, I create 1 stream for each land, (e.g landnumbercity01). And in each stream I add few key items like, title number, owner, address, land area.

Here what I done so far
root@mystrata-01:~# multichain-cli chain1 liststreamitems stream1

        "publishers" : [
        "key" : "key1",
        "data" : "73747265616d2064617461",
        "confirmations" : 33,
        "blocktime" : 1504024588,
        "txid" : "60a4ccba19f6f5ede820d66c590960574e6def99447127ab3325386f6028a474"
        "publishers" : [
        "key" : "stratatitle",
        "data" : "413833343241445344414c4853444c",
        "confirmations" : 22,
        "blocktime" : 1504050732,
        "txid" : "7a2cd5cc1a96058289dea338dfff35d273df22391ae39c9b379c08250390722c"
        "publishers" : [
        "key" : "strataowner",
        "data" : "4a6f686e204c616275",
        "confirmations" : 11,
        "blocktime" : 1504050949,
        "txid" : "7365402619796ca82dfe97a568b29352d00032b70be707efeb339d7da5efd28d"
I would say it's probably better to use a single stream for each type of information, and use the keys in those stream to refer to the pieces of land. Otherwise you will have a very large number of streams and this could be inconvenient for some APIs.
I see. Like relational DB, stream is like the table and the stream items is the rows. And the key, is just like a unique key that refers to the land.
Yes, exactly.