Both of these ["*","1NYHbp1UbJn4CozTdvAr75iiBtHjJBb6NjZ1V3"]
Are being treated as a permission
you should have {["*"],["1NYHbp1UbJn4CozTdvAr75iiBtHjJBb6NjZ1V3"]}
you should have {"*","1NYHbp1UbJn4CozTdvAr75iiBtHjJBb6NjZ1V3"}
ie. The first parameter which can be an array of permissions is thinking that the permissions you want is * and the address, when in fact you want permission to be * and the address to be your address.
On the cli commandline -
You are doing this
multichain-cli chain listpermissions *,1BbFXaQNoZpEsZoEJonyZzpyW
instead of this (notice comma is now a space)
multichain-cli chain listpermissions * 1BbFXaQNoZpEsZoEJonyZzpyW