what is the command to create new wallet?

+4 votes
Hi ,

My understanding is wallet is an entity (Like account) which can hold multiple addresses, my use case needs multiple addresses under each wallet.

How can i create wallets? I didn't find any command to do that.




Mudassir Syed
asked Jul 26, 2017 by Syed

1 Answer

+1 vote
MultiChain currently has a single built-in wallet, which holds all the addresses of interest, and does not yet enable the creation of multiple wallets. That's why you can't find a command to create a new wallet.
answered Jul 27, 2017 by MultiChain
Can you use getnewaddress and/or createkeypairs to simulate ?
Yes, so long as you don't mind all addresses being accessed via a single set of API credentials.
So long as I create a new address and assign it only connect permissions then use that address as the node's api creds; then even if the sys was comprimised attackers would only be able to grab the key to an address with limited permissions on the blockchain yes?
Yes, if a node only has connect permissions then someone breaking into that node can only see the blockchain's transactions and nothing more. But an address is not related to a node's API credentials.