51% of nodes take control ?

+2 votes

I can let a lot of users to connect to my multichain, I would like to do this for backup issue, but I'm afraid of 51% control rules. Would be better to have few well know nodes under my control to replicate the multichain ?

Thank for your help.
asked Jul 22, 2017 by Gianni

1 Answer

0 votes

If you're using a blockchain with mining based on permissions, rather than proof-of-work, you don't have to worry about 51% of general nodes taking over. Only a majority of nodes with mine permissions can take over, and the size of that majority is determined by the mining-diversity blockchain parameter. You should also think about who you administrators are, and the level of consensus you require from them for different operations (admin-consensus-* blockchain parameters).

answered Jul 23, 2017 by MultiChain