Can Blocks Be Related

+1 vote
This is a general blockchain question (newbie) but can't seem to find the answer anywhere. Here's an example:

A block contains a set of metadata, then another block is added by another user that contains more information about the first block. And then a third block is added by another user that contains more information about the first block. And so on.

Maybe it's an instance where a code sample is submitted in the first block and the following blocks (not necessarily concurrent) provide feedback and/or likes/dislikes on the code sample provided in the first block. An app aggregates that data and it possibly results in an award for the code submitter.

Would information in the metadata tie them together so that the blocks could be aggregated? Or is there something inherent to blockchain that makes this possible? Thanks
asked Dec 9, 2015 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
You'd probably do this on the level of individual transactions rather than blocks, because when creating transactions you can't predict with 100% certainty which block they will end up in. In any event there's no problem  with building this sort of application - you just need the appropriate code to retrieve and aggregate the information in the way you're looking for.
answered Dec 9, 2015 by MultiChain