How dangerous can rogue miners be?

+1 vote

I understand that MultiChain uses round-robin mining for block validation. However, since assigning blocks to mining nodes is random, how could rogue miners possibly collude to compromise the blockchain?

Follow-up: Is there any way to simulate a faulty transaction to see how MultiChain marks it as invalid and doesn't mine it into a block in the blockchain?

Thank you for providing such an amazing service.
asked Jul 4, 2017 by Tomas

1 Answer

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Best answer

If a mining-diversity portion of the permitted miners decide to collude, they can ignore the target block time parameter and create a fork which is longer than the current chain, to take over the network consensus and reverse previously confirmed transactions.

You can create a faulty transaction using the raw transactions interface (e.g. createrawtransaction). You will find that no node accepts this transaction even via its own sendrawtransaction API, and this same check is applied when looking at a transaction received from a peer.

answered Jul 5, 2017 by MultiChain