DNS Server question

+1 vote

can someone share what is the steps to setup a DNS server so i dont have to look around for the peer IP address to connect to? Not sure if that right way to do things.

Instead of 

multichaind chain1@ -daemon

I do wish to connect by

multichaind chain1@my.dns.server.to.find.peer:8333 -daemon


thank you

asked Jul 2, 2017 by DNSserverQ

1 Answer

0 votes

This isn't specifically a MultiChain question, but the answer depends on what you're looking to do:

  • Use a fixed domain name -> IP mapping on each computer - see the hosts file (on Linux)
  • Run your own internal domain name server – this is pretty involved but if you Google around you'll find the answer
  • Use a regular Internet-enabled domain name – just buy a domain from any provider like NameCheap, GoDaddy, 1&1, etc... then configure it to point to your IP
answered Jul 3, 2017 by MultiChain