multisig and public key

+1 vote
In order to use addmultisig address, N number of public keys must be provided.

The way to find the public key is to use "getaddresses true" and find a public key from an address where "ismine = true". This means all addresses in the wallet has to be looped through to get a public key.

Is there a shorter way to find a public key simply by giving an address is that already known to be mine?
asked Mar 30, 2017 by kakkoiiman

1 Answer

0 votes

First, you can use the listaddresses API to get information about a specific set of addresses in a single API call.

Second, you can actually pass addresses to addmultisig, if those addresses are in the node's wallet and it has the public key for them.

answered Mar 31, 2017 by MultiChain