Multichain - Key Data and File Sharing

+1 vote


I have been working through the tutorials and so far, am slowly learning about this technology. I have some questions that I would like guidance on:

I have a need to create a decentralized process between 3 parties, that will all need access to review the data. The process is pretty straight forward:

  • Party A fills in a form with 5 text fields, and attaches a few documents. This data and attachments get save to the blockchain
  • Party B reviews the information, fills in 2 additional fields as a result and updates the information in the blockchain
  • Party C just needs to be able to see activity at all times

Taking out the form creation piece, which I am handling and intend to interact with Multichain via the API, what would be the best approach to complete this task with Multichain.


Caveat: Party B and Party C are always the same "person". Party A can be any individual.




EDIT: Typo in subject field.

asked Mar 9, 2017 by kuantize50
edited Mar 10, 2017

1 Answer

0 votes
You should use a stream for this, with each particular instance of the process using a different key in the stream. Each step relating to that instance writes items under that instance's key, and then anyone can query the stream for items relating to that key, or a list of keys.
answered Mar 10, 2017 by MultiChain
is there any related API or interface from where I can split a single file into as many streams needed?Also, what is the maximum amount of data that can be stored in a stream?
The maximum is 64 MB per stream item, but there is no maximum per stream (it depends on disk space on the nodes). There is no MultiChain API to split a file up into parts but this should be relatively easy to do in any modern programming language.