MCE Fails to load trasactions

+1 vote
When i lunch MCE with --commit and --no-serve i get the error below, i deleted the DB file and ran it again but the error remains:


Failed to catch up {'blkfile_offset': 3823696, 'blkfile_number': 100000, 'chain_id': 1, 'loader': u'default', 'conf': None, 'dirname': u'/home/ubuntu/.multichain/rabo', 'id': 1}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Mce/", line 2861, in catch_up
    if not store.catch_up_rpc(dircfg):
  File "Mce/", line 3094, in catch_up_rpc
  File "Mce/", line 2852, in imported_bytes
  File "Mce/", line 2845, in flush
  File "Mce/", line 255, in commit
  File "Mce/", line 515, in commit
OperationalError: disk I/O error
Reconnecting after rollback error: cannot rollback - no transaction is active
Reconnecting to database.
asked Mar 7, 2017 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
This doesn't look like a bug specifically in the MultiChain Explorer, but rather a problem accessing the disk. The most likely guess is that the database file (for the embedded SQLite engine) is somehow not writable. Beyond that I'm afraid you may have to diagnose this by searching the Internet to see what could cause this error.
answered Mar 9, 2017 by MultiChain