Loss of admin node

+1 vote
What happens when I have only 1 admin node and there is an admin node failure.

All the remaining nodes are still running but I can no longer administer any of them.

Is there a way to bring up a new admin node to manage the rest of the nodes?

Is it therefore advisable to have more than 1 admin node running at anyone time for redundancy sake?
asked Mar 3, 2017 by kakkoiiman

1 Answer

0 votes

It's not the admin *node* that's important, but rather the private key for the admin address. This can be added to any node to give that node admin privileges. So you should back up that key if you are concerned, using either the dumpprivkey API, or else backing up the wallet.dat file in your blockchain directory.

answered Mar 3, 2017 by MultiChain