multihchaind on second vm instance results in std::alloc error

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Thanks for the response. Even after being able to connect the two vm instances by loading sshd and telnetd within the two instances and ensuring communication between the two.instances works by ping, ssh as well as telnet. However, when all of this works, I got an error message of the kind, "std::alloc" issues. This issue when I dug into with help of a friend, helped us realize that the issue could primarily due to the thread capacity of the host system. Since I was trying to establish the two vm instances over a windows based system, there seem to be some weird quirks with the windows based system wherein I couldn't change or increase the thread capacity (which was fixed at a very low value of 3k). When I switched over the entire set up to a completely new linux based host system, it worked - this time, I checked the native thread capacity, which was around 15K.

So a general question in this regard is why and how does multichain create and maintain threads within the logs. If this ecosystem were to now have say around 10 nodes, I assume the thread-capacity needs are to be higher as well. Could you suggest as to what could be the best way to assign/pre-allocate thread-capacity while adding new nodes to the ecosystem, so that transactions do not fail to be sent? How does one ensure the computing capacity is sufficient for a given set of nodes, transaction frequency and transaction volum?
related to an answer for: Overriding IP address
asked Nov 9, 2015 by skarred14

1 Answer

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I don't think threads are the issue, because MultiChain creates around 20 threads by default, which is well within the capacity of your virtual machine. More likely it's an issue with memory allocation. Did you allocate enough memory to your virtual machine so at least 512 MB is available for MultiChain to run?

Also note that if you want to avoid running multiple VM instances, you can also use the -datadir -port and -rpcport runtime parameters to have several nodes on the same blockchain within a single instances.

answered Nov 11, 2015 by MultiChain