Json parsing error while using gettxoutdata command in stream confidentiality?

+1 vote
While following the "how to selectively reveal data on blockchain".in the section "to publish the encrypt password" command "multichain-cli chain1 gettxoutdata a1b2... # | tail -n 1 | xxd -p -r > /tmp/pubkey.pem".It showing me error parsing JSON:|.

how to store the output of gettxoutdata in a file?

issue is not about txid and vout .Its about syntax
"multichain-cli chain1 gettxoutdata a1b2... # | tail -n 1 | xxd -p -r > /tmp/pubkey.pem"

If full syntax used it showing me -------error parsing json:|

multichain-cli chain1 gettxoutdata a1b2... #

If using till this syntax it displaying me the output.

Ques-how to store that data in a file
asked Feb 10, 2017 by anonymous
edited Feb 11, 2017

1 Answer

0 votes

It sounds like you haven't substituted the right actual txid and vout in the API call you made. If you follow the instructions, there are places on the page to paste in information, which is then substituted later in the API call examples (unless Javascript is turned off in your browser?)

answered Feb 10, 2017 by MultiChain