I'm getting the following error when I try to run Multichain explorer. I have the latest version of multichain and explorer. Any clue how to solve this?
Failed to catch up {'blkfile_offset': 0, 'blkfile_number': 1, 'chain_id': 1, 'loader': u'default', 'conf': None, 'dirname': u'/root/.multichain/primechain', 'id': 4}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Mce/DataStore.py", line 2851, in catch_up
if not store.catch_up_rpc(dircfg):
File "Mce/DataStore.py", line 3083, in catch_up_rpc
store.import_block(block, chain = chain)
File "Mce/DataStore.py", line 1195, in import_block
tx['tx_id'] = store.import_tx(tx, pos == 0, chain)
File "Mce/DataStore.py", line 2115, in import_tx
address = util.hash_to_address_multichain(vers, pubkey_hash, checksum)
File "Mce/util.py", line 142, in hash_to_address_multichain
vh += hash[pos:pos+5]
TypeError: unhashable type