Multisig 2 of 2 flow

+1 vote


I am having an issue to send the signed transaction to the destination wallet address.


a1, a2 on node01 (a1 is the admin node)

b1 on node02 (b2 is another node)

m1 is the multisig address created for 2 of 2.

a2, b1 and m1 are granted send, receive permissions.



  1. issue 1000 units of "asset1" to a1
  2. preparelockunspent on asset1 of 100 units
  3. create multisig address for a1 and a2
  4. createrawtransaction (txid of unspent, vout) (m1 multisig address : 100 units of asset1)
  5. signrawtransaction of step 4's output hex blob
  6. sendrawtransaction of step 5's output hex blob
  7. decoderawtransaction of step 6's output hex blob
  8. createrawtransaction (step 7's txid, vout, vout's scriptPubKey) (b1 address and 100 units of asset1)
  9. signrawtransaction on step 8's output hex blob
However on Step 9, a hex blob comes out and "complete" : false too. 
Could someone point out where it has gone wrong? 
asked Jan 5, 2017 by multichained

1 Answer

0 votes

I have solved the problem this way
Step 4 was the problem.


  1. issue 1000 units of "asset1" to a1
  2. preparelockunspent on asset1 of 100 units
  3. create multisig address for a1 and a2
  4. createrawtransaction (txid of unspent, vout) (b1 address : 100 units of asset1) <-- should not be multisig address
  5. signrawtransaction of step 4's output hex blob
  6. sendrawtransaction of step 5's output hex blob
  7. check address balance of b1
Let me know if this is not correct.
answered Jan 6, 2017 by multichained
If you're just sending an asset to a multisig address from a regular address, you don't need to use raw transactions at all. Just use a regular sendfrom or sendassetfrom API call. You only need raw transactions when it comes to *spending* assets belonging to a multisig, where the keys for the multisig are split across different node wallets.