This might be a bit out of the scope but I'm trying to run the multi chain instances on the same server and in doing so I'm trying to automate the tasks to get it started. However I am having a hard time getting anywhere with it. Would you be able to provide some insight into it?
ip=$(multichaind decibel -shortoutput=1 -miningrequirespeers=0 -discover -rpcuser=admin -rpcpassword=admin -daemon=1)
mkdir .multichain1
echo "ip address $ip"
addr=$(multichaind $ip -datadir=.multichain1)
echo "wallet $addr"
multichain-cli decibel -rpcuser=admin -rpcpassword=admin grant $addr connect,send,recieve
multichaind $ip -datadir=.multichain1 -daemon=1
The first task seems to block the other processes from being executed. Would it be possible to kill then restart later without having to reset anything?