Issue with multichaind -initprivkey=<privkey> chain1@<seed-ip> -daemon

+1 vote
When trying to create a fresh installed multichain node and using the initprivkey to perform a first time connecting to a seed node using a pre-existing key, the service will start successfully. But is unable to be connected into using multichain-cli. The only way to fix this is to kill the multichaind process and restart the daemon using the same command. Are there any settings that could cause this problem?
asked Jun 26, 2021 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
I don't see any problem. This is what I did:

On the seed node:


        "address" : "1...",
        "privkey" : "V..."


grant 1... connect,send,receive

On the new node:

multichaind chain@seed-ip:port -initprivkey=V...

multichain-cli chain getinfo




Is this what you are doing? Are you using multichain.conf?
answered Jun 27, 2021 by Michael
You are right. If I were to run this on separate machines, it works as you have described. I have been running the second node in a docker container connecting to a seed node in another docker container. I guess this is probably a container related issue.