How do you work out who the next miner is in a round robin?

+1 vote
this is listminers - diversity waitblocks is 0 - does this means it's next?

        "address" : "1En1g",
        "islocal" : true,
        "permitted" : true,
        "diversitywaitblocks" : 0,
        "startblock" : 0,
        "endblock" : 4294967295,
        "lastmined" : 11184,
        "chainstate" : "mining-permitted",
        "localstate" : "mining-paused"
        "address" : "1aXHYV",
        "islocal" : true,
        "permitted" : true,
        "diversitywaitblocks" : 1,
        "startblock" : 0,
        "endblock" : 4294967295,
        "lastmined" : 11185,
        "chainstate" : "waiting-mining-diversity",
        "localstate" : "waiting-mining-diversity"
        "address" : "1Yjcr4",
        "islocal" : true,
        "permitted" : true,
        "diversitywaitblocks" : 2,
        "startblock" : 0,
        "endblock" : 4294967295,
        "lastmined" : 11186,
        "chainstate" : "waiting-mining-diversity",
        "localstate" : "waiting-mining-diversity"
asked May 15, 2021 by MaSsv

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, if diversitywaitblocks is 0 then this address can mine next.

answered May 16, 2021 by MultiChain
I have the following state on the next miner

 "localstate" : "other-local-address-preferred"

What other states are there? and how does this one affect who mines next?
If a node has multiple addresses that could mine the next block, it will choose one of its addresses to use – that state means that another address has been selected.