Send assets in a bitcoin-style network ?

+1 vote
Hi i've been trying to send assets from a bitcoin style network but I didn't manage to send send assets drom one adress to another one. is there anything I ahve to be carefull when I m trying to send assets in a bitcoin style network ?

best regards
asked Nov 9, 2016 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

If you want to use MultiChain's native assets, you need to use a blockchain with chain-protocol = multichain, not bitcoin.

answered Nov 10, 2016 by MultiChain
But when a miner is getting reward  is it possible to send the reward to another address? Just still talking about the bitcoin network. And if it is possible what method should I use to such a transaction ??

best regards
Yes, the miner reward can be sent to other addresses. But I'm not sure what you mean that you're talking about the bitcoin network?
could you please give me an example of a direct command how to sent the an amout of the balance to an other address. What I mean by bitcoin network is that the blockchain parameter is set on bitcoin and not on multichain.

thank you in advance
It's just a straightforward send or sendfrom command (assuming you're using the latest alpha).