Can we drop/modify asset once created?

+1 vote

If while creating asset there is some mistake, can we drop/edit that asset.
asked Oct 4, 2016 by Harish

1 Answer

0 votes

Blockchains are immutable by nature, so there is no simple "undo" of the type you are suggesting. However you have a couple of options for dealing with this kind of problem:

  • Send all units of the asset to the chain's burn address (see burnaddress field of getinfo). This will make the asset units unspendable since the burn address has no corresponding private key.
  • When issuing an asset, make it 'open' (see API docs for issue). This will enable you to create new versions of the asset's custom fields at least.
  • As a last resort, if you really know what you are doing, and can get cooperation from the miners, you can use node control commands like setlastblock, pause, resume, clearmempool – see this question for discussion:
answered Oct 6, 2016 by MultiChain