CMultiChainParams::SetGenesis() failed when trying to initialise a new chain

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i've received  this error when creating a new chain.

multichaind: chainparams.cpp:590: void CMultiChainParams::SetGenesis(): Assertion `strcmp(storedHash,hashGenesisBlock.GetHex().c_str()) == 0' failed.

these are the steps i made:

1.  multichain-util create chaindemo

2.  update params.dat with

     chain-protocol = bitcoin

     target-block-time = 15

     first-block-reward = 100000000

     initial-block-reward = 0

     reward-spendable-delay = 1

     native-currency-multiple = 100


3.  multichaind chaindemo -daemon

this is the same machine i used to create a chain and work through the 'getting started'  page.  i haven't made changes to the system.  is this an issue with the config i listed?

asked Oct 12, 2015 by santosh

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks for this report. We'll look into this and should fix for alpha 9 (alpha 8 is now in testing).
answered Oct 13, 2015 by MultiChain