While I am specifically trying to use Savoir, the Python API, this is a general question for the JSON-based request APIs. How do I pass the metadata argument to the function call? A sample call would look like:
api.sendwithmetadata('16T5dDM5TQRP1SQ2o86iWD1K6gCr8PV1231232', '{"asset1":1}', '48692066726f6d204d756c7469436861696e21')
But when I convert the hex argument to a decimal in order to make it JSON serializable, I get a parse error. If I leave it as is, I get an error saying expected real, got str. I've looked into encoding and decoding, but that has not solved the issue. What would be the appropriate way to make this API call, ideally in Python?
Thank you in advance.