Transaction too large problems again.

0 votes
I am trying to increase the transaction fees from the native currency.  I set minimum-relay-fee to 25000000 and I keep getting "Transaction too large for fee policy" error code -4.  Is this the correct variable to change the transaction fees?  Do I need to set something else?  I tried increasing the block size and max-std-tx-size but it still gives the same error.


Test-chain: getblockchainparams

    "chain-protocol" : "multichain",
    "chain-description" : "MultiChain Test-chain",
    "chain-is-testnet" : false,
    "target-block-time" : 15,
    "maximum-block-size" : 1000000,
    "default-network-port" : 2767,
    "default-rpc-port" : 2766,
    "anyone-can-connect" : false,
    "anyone-can-send" : false,
    "anyone-can-receive" : false,
    "anyone-can-issue" : false,
    "anyone-can-mine" : false,
    "anyone-can-activate" : false,
    "anyone-can-admin" : false,
    "allow-p2sh-outputs" : true,
    "allow-multisig-outputs" : true,
    "setup-first-blocks" : 60,
    "mining-diversity" : 0.30000000,
    "admin-consensus-admin" : 0.50000000,
    "admin-consensus-activate" : 0.50000000,
    "admin-consensus-mine" : 0.50000000,
    "admin-consensus-issue" : 0.00000000,
    "mining-requires-peers" : true,
    "first-block-reward" : -1,
    "initial-block-reward" : 100000000,
    "reward-halving-interval" : 52560000,
    "reward-spendable-delay" : 1,
    "minimum-per-output" : 0,
    "maximum-per-output" : 100000000000000,
    "minimum-relay-fee" : 25000000,
    "native-currency-multiple" : 100000000,
    "skip-pow-check" : false,
    "pow-minimum-bits" : 16,
    "target-adjust-freq" : 86400,
    "allow-min-difficulty-blocks" : false,
    "only-accept-std-txs" : true,
    "max-std-tx-size" : 100000,
    "max-std-op-return-size" : 4096,
    "max-std-op-drops-count" : 5,
    "max-std-element-size" : 600,
    "chain-name" : "Test-chain",
    "protocol-version" : 10005,
    "network-message-start" : "f0fee4f4",
    "address-pubkeyhash-version" : "009d4d05",
    "address-scripthash-version" : "05a86f6e",
    "private-key-version" : "800cf9d9",
    "address-checksum-value" : "309097f4",
    "genesis-pubkey" : "02e07571cc35a967b7a8bd70a342e8c6bda159c16d9d5ae6f50860844a486ed68c",
    "genesis-version" : 1,
    "genesis-timestamp" : 1468953137,
    "genesis-nbits" : 520159231,
    "genesis-nonce" : 3183,
    "genesis-pubkey-hash" : "c51d96c545ea370bb94317dae6c59fa0f65a983b",
    "genesis-op-return-script" : "5b6e6f74207365745d",
    "genesis-hash" : "00009b8ddd2c41f5381127081778684b56da835aa6355f10e88f89bc7947e179",
    "chain-params-hash" : "17b6653bace4d291809f5f786ecd2460c104b8788e6f627b7e51b88668e3dfb6"
related to an answer for: Still cannot send or move assets.
asked Jul 19, 2016 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

I think your minimum-relay-fee is possibly too high, considering that it's a quarter of an entire block reward. Does the node from which you are sending transactions have sufficient balance of the native currency to send out a transaction? The getinfo balance should be at least 0.25 (in display units).

answered Jul 21, 2016 by MultiChain