Mining issue with several nodes

+1 vote
We are testing the behaviour of our blockchain when new miners are added. Initially we had the admin node (port 5001), a miner node (port 5002) and a node for light wallets (port 5003). We added then three additional nodes with a command equivalent to this:

multichaind chain1@ -daemon

These new nodes are listening in ports 5004, 5005 and 5006

In the admin node, we granted mine and issue permissions for these new nodes. The problem we have now is that the miner that was alone in the chain at the beginning seems to have stopped mining. There are no messages like "Starting MultiChain Miner" in the debug.log file for that node any more.

If you execute the command getpeerinfo in the first miner, the result shows peers in ports 5001 and 5003, but if you execute getpeerinfo in one of the other three nodes, the peers are 5004, 5005 and 5006, but 5002 does not appear. Is this the expected behaviour?

In this situation, the transactions executed in the first miner (5002) are never confirmed, while the transactions in the other miners work. The mining-diversity parameter is set to 0.5 and the permissions seem correct and appear if you execute listpermissions in any node of the chain. We have restarted the first miner, but the problem continues.

Why is it happening? Are we committing any mistake?


asked Jul 13, 2016 by vshorreo

1 Answer

0 votes

It seems like your nodes may be disconnected in two separate islands. Have you tried using the addnode command to make sure every node can see the other ones? Also please ensure you're using the latest version because earlier versions didn't work so well with multiple nodes on the same host but different ports.

answered Jul 14, 2016 by MultiChain