Wallet address - no pubkey

+1 vote
Hello I generated new address with getnewaddress API and then gave it connect, send,receive permissions after which I've sent some asset to that address.

When checking that w.address it doesnt have pubkey do you know what caused this? Is this a bug maybe?

[bojan@blockchain1 ~]$ multichain-cli schain1 validateaddress 1PnRnLLUM52gkGYNE418rsoYimoyDcqof1kuSJ

    "isvalid" : true,
    "address" : "1PnRnLLUM52gkGYNE418rsoYimoyDcqof1kuSJ",
    "ismine" : false
asked May 30, 2016 by bojan.radulovic
Is this wallet address from peer?

1 Answer

0 votes

It says ismine=false which suggests you're validating the address on a different node from the one it was created on. As a result the other node does not know the full public key.

answered May 31, 2016 by MultiChain