component block diagram and flow diagram

+1 vote

I am new in blockchain and understand MultiChain is a potential mean to implement the block chain.

Could you please share the multichain a) architecture diagram b)block diagram, and c)flow diagram while send/receive in private network?


Thanks in adavnce
asked May 17, 2016 by deegees78

1 Answer

0 votes
We don't currently have this type of information but you might find the MultiChain white paper to be a helpful place to start:
answered May 17, 2016 by MultiChain
I agree with deegees that it would be very useful to have this information, maybe you could add it into white-paper?

These diagrams literally save time, the graphical repsresentation is best in this case where everything is new and uknown.

Still not there? Even after 2 years.